Best Online Training Practices – How To Get The Most Out Of Online Learning
Training online is convenient and usually inexpensive, if not free. However, learning online poses its own challenges that, if not understood, may prevent you from meeting your goals. Below, find best practices for training online to help you get the most out of your online training experience.
Managing the Online Interface
Confirm the technical requirements of the online training program. If your computer does not meet the technical requirements of the online training program, you may be out the fee and not even able to take the training. Be sure that you understand the type of browser that the online training system utilizes, whether you need a webcam, and that you have enough processing memory to run any graphics or media files. Also confirm that the interface will work on your computer, whether it is an Apple or a Windows-based computer. You should also be sure you know how to navigate the system so that you can take the training without having first train on the interface that the system uses.
Print course materials. Even though online training is completely viewable on your computer screen, organizing study guides and other course materials is extremely helpful. Not only can you use them to view anytime during the day even without your computer, you can jot down notes, review them for important dates, and read them while waiting in line or on the bus. While the course text may be too long to print, most materials are short enough to print in one or two pages and can be easily stored into a notebook for transporting in a backpack or briefcase.
Connect with online instructors. If the course is facilitated by an online instructor, it is important to engage the instructor early to set yourself apart from other students. When an instructor grades your assignments, they may have several other students and may not remember you. But if you have already sent a note to the instructor introducing yourself, and perhaps asked a few pertinent questions, the instructor my subconsciously grade your assignments with more leniency. In fact, based on the questions you ask, the instructor may in fact be able to better understand your writing and not downgrade you for a sentence that others might not be able to comprehend.
Managing Your Online Training Time
Set a realistic goal to complete your training. If your training course can be taken in any length of time, you may need to set a personal goal so that it does not stretch out and never gets done. When you purchase or sign up for an online training course, find out how many hours it takes to complete the course and take the final exam. Determine how much time you have daily to devote to online training. Set a realistic but accomplishable goal to complete the course. Avoid taking on too much at one time. This is a recipe for failure. Give yourself enough time to meet your obligations at work and home as well as taking the online training course.
Avoid distractions during training. Just because you can take online training at home or at work does not mean that it is the best place to do so, especially if you have children or customers that interrupt you during your training session. If you cannot find a quiet hour during the day at home or at work, take your computer to a library or coffee shop, both of which should have free wireless internet access. Use your headphones to drown out the noise, and find a quiet spot to avoid distractions.
Online training is convenient and often free. However, by following the best practices above, you will get the most out of your online training without becoming frustrated.
David Miller is an educational researcher who has vast experience in the field of teaching, LMS Systems and online training. He is associated with prestigious universities and many leading educational research organizations. He’s also an ed-tech veteran, currently pursuing research in new eLearning developments, and is a contributing author with ProProfs.