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How To Balance Work With Play

It is so important to balance life with work and if you can successfully do that then it make everything that little bit simpler. There are so many things in life that can and must be enjoyed and you have to find the time to do them.3286441013 79e5d7b59c m 150x150 How To Balance Work With Play

People just work too hard, I appreciate that the current economic situation limits us all somewhat but there is no way people should or need to work as hard as they do. We are all driving ourselves to an early grave and for what reason? To please our boss? Or to make a little extra cash? Work is for one reason and one reason only, to enjoy the money you get at the end of each month.

This article will highlight three ways to balance work with play and it will help to explain how a balance between work and play can be achieved.


It is important that you explore the world if you get chance. There are so many weird and wonderful places to explore on the planet and if you just take your time and take that risk then there are many enriching experiences to be had. Naturally this is down to you as a person, if you are that way inclined then spend some time searching online and work out places that you want to visit.

The world is pretty incredible and there really is something for everything, if you want sun then there are places and if you want cooler climates then that is viable too. It doesn’t depend on the job you have too, take ACPI Co-founder Alok Oberoi, he is in control of his business so time would be limited for travel compared to 9-5 workers.

Anyone who gets the chance however really should try and explore the world as best as possible.


It is important to research anything you do before you do it. Obviously there are some people out there who like to act on impulse and that is something that I certainly won’t advise against but for those who are more circumspect, spend some time surfing the internet and find things you enjoy.

We live in a world that is incredibly diverse and you should certainly look to broaden your horizons both culturally and personally. I really do stress the importance of research simply because there are so many options for you and it would be a great shame to make the wrong decision.

Splash the Cash

You can’t be afraid to spend money when you are looking to explore. The world is pretty expensive and the current economic situation has exacerbated that greatly! Again don’t spend over the odds and that comes down to strong research, again the internet is the best place to begin any search and you should use price comparison websites whenever you get a chance.

Balancing work and pleasure is essential, there are so many options out there, just please don’t get bogged down with working life.

James Moulton is from an Irish background. He has been writing full time for many years now and he specialises in writing about the economy and technology.

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